Valuing Impact mission
Support organizations to integrate the value of human, social and natural capital into decision making, by providing innovative methodologies, data and expertise.
About Us
Valuing Impact's mission is to help organisations integrate the value of human, social and natural capital into decision-making, by providing innovative methods, data, and experience.
Our clients include Nestlé, Olam, Natura, Value Balancing Alliance, Wilstar, Novartis, Ikea, Nespresso, WBCSD and many more.
We work with our network of partners such as Bluerisk, South Pole, WageIndicator Foundation, World Resources Institute, Sofies, Sustain Value and Quantis among others.
Our Services
Impact Awareness
We support our clients raise awareness on impact among their organizations and together with external stakeholders. We focus our effort on education, capacity building and knowledge transfer. We use pedagogic approaches using impact pathways mapping and discovery workshops to define a clear path forward to embed impact in their strategy and decisions processes.
Impact Valuation
Our core activity is the development of impact framework and methods customized to each client, based on the latest developments and innovations in this field, which we contribute a lot to create. We use quantitative and valuation methods that allow to develop strategic insights at investment portfolio, corporate, business activity, asset or product level.
Impact Thinking
Our ultimate objective is to develop governance, strategies and decisions processes based on impact thinking to change the organizations we work with at the system level. Our vast experience on impact measurement, assessment, valuation and management revealed us the best strategies to embed impact thinking in all businesses and investments strategies.
Impact Verification and assurance
Building on the long term experience of measuring, valuing and managing impact, we propose our new service of verification and assurance, based on the principles presented in the book "Impact Thinking" written by our founder and complemented by our customized framework to address the 4+1 pillars of Accountability: Impact, Materiality, Responsiveness, Inclusiveness + Performance. When an official assurance document and claim is required, we use the AA1000 standard to do it, to which we add our custom-built performance review framework.
Our values
We are impact driven, thriving for increasing societal value, ultimately serving the society and nature, to live sustainably.
We challenge the status quo, creating new knowledge, developing new ideas and sharing them for the entire field of impact assessment and management (IMM) and impact valuation to progress.
We deliver objective and independent insights to inform decisions and strategies. We commit to a consistent and uncompromising adherence to ethical principles and values.
We strive in building long-lasting and impactful relationship, putting people at the center of the decisions that will change our economy and society.
Our Team
Samuel Vionnet
Founder and Director
Samuel has 15 years of experience in the field of impact valuation consulting for businesses and investors. He created Valuing Impact in 2015 and has since then establish the company as one of the world's leading boutique consultant on impact valuation
Pedro Tagliari
Operations Manager
Pedro is an engineer by training, holds an MBA in Corporate Sustainability from Colorado State University, and boasts expertise in data science. He has a robust ESG analysis, strategic consulting, and project management track record.
Andreza Souza
Senior Partner
Andreza spent her early career at Natura Cosmetic based in Sao Paulo and was in charge of the impact valuation effort of Natura Integrated Profit & Loss. She is an expert on impact valuation.
Noelia Pacharotti
Senior Consultant
Noelia has an extensive experience in public policies assessment and impact investing. She has recently joined the team of Valuing Impact to extend our services towards impact investors and family offices.
Helena Couto
Senior Consultant
Helena is an environmental engineer and is currently specializing in Impact Finance and ESG at Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV. She has experience in corporate ESG and consulting working with sustainability indexes, reports and projects focused on climate change.
Marta Santamaria
Senior Advisor
Marta has extensive experience working as Director at the Capitals Coalition. She has worked extensively in the transformation of several economic sectors, including the energy, food, built environment and finance sector. She adviced organizations such as the SBTN, TNFD, FAO, IMP and the G7 Impact Taskforce.
Suzanne Andrea Lopez
Executive Assistant
Suzanne has a 10 years experience in management, HR and marketing. She is based in Guatemala and supports the global team of Valuing Impact to deliver projects with higher efficiency.
Jessica Hammer
Senior Consultant
Jessica has a long experience in social entrepreneurship and impact strategies in Latin America. She spend the last few years as the Director of Cultivation at Alterna, a startup incubator in Guatemala.